Just a tip.
1. Create an account in
www.msevents.ph2. Be specific with your status. example: 4th year BSCS Student
3. Be sure to register also in msdnconnection.com
www.microsoft.com/philippines/msdn/connection/default.mspx It's worth having an account there for the online tutorials they provide.
4. Sign up for student events. Tip: Don't register in * FOR professional sessions, you'll get demerits for it.
5. Confirmation mails are sent two days before the event.
6. Bring a valid ID for the microsoft session. (They require it nowadays)
7. Enjoy! It's always cool to learn new things. In the end, its free and there's free food.
Office Address:
Microsoft Philippine Office and Exchange Room
16th floor 6750 Ayala Avenue Makati City
How to get there?
For me...
> ride the MRT from North station to Ayala Station
> From the MRT card post, go left until you reach the SM Entrance
> Go down the escalator. Walk straight ahead the SM shop until you see an exit(bridge to Ayala).
> Enter Ayala Center. Go down the escalator and go to the activity center.
> Go right. Pass the first wing(entrance)
> Take the second wing (entrance to your right) and go straight to Mercury drug store
> Enter Mercury drug store and exit to the other door.
> Chining.. kita mo na 6750 building.
Tip, if you'll get lost, don't be afraid to ask.
1. MRT Ayala
2. SM Makati / Ayala Center
3. Activity Center
4. Mercury Drug Store
5. 6750.
Believe me this is the shortest way to get there and the best part, aircon is all the way..